
Posts Tagged ‘Wooodcock Nature Center’

Over the weekend OTH continued his quest to complete the Wilton Hiking Contest list of open spaces to hike. On Saturday it was the Woodcock Nature Center. The Center is located on a large tract of land owned by the State of Connecticut. The bulk of the property lies in Wilton, with the remaining acreage in Ridgefield. The land is primarily wetlands; however, a small portion of the site, located at the north end of the property, is uplands. It is on this part of the land that the Nature Center building and trails are located. The land was acquired by the State over a period of about 15 years for the purpose of flood control following the devastating effects of the 1955 floods. A flood control dam constructed in 1972 at Spectacle Brook impounds water during heavy rains.

Facilities include a nature center and a roofed picnic pavilion. When OTH was there somebody had a party going on in a sandbox play area for about a dozen young people in the 4 to 5 year age range. Probably a birthday party. The pavilion looked like it was setup for a party. All-in-all a pretty good idea.

And speaking of the nature center, before his walk OTH snapped a couple of photos of local residents.

Barred Owl

Barred Owl

Great Horned Owl

Great Horned Owl

Sorry about the wire cage, but the birds are contained. There was also a red tailed hawk but when he saw my camera he hid behind a wood screen. Camera shy I guess.

The hiking opportunity is essentially one loop trail with some cross trail options. OTH saw a number of strategically located benches to stop, rest and take in Mother Nature. As with all the Town hikes so far, the key to enjoyment is taking your time and stopping to absorb the scene. Woodcock Nature Center is no exception. According to the town trail guide, the total trail length, including the cross trails is 2.5 miles. OTH thinks there may have been additional trails established since the trail guide was published. Either way, there is no urgency to rush the trip!

Woodcock Trail

Woodcock Nature Center Red Trail

Visit the Wilton town web site for more information and a trail map.

Four done, eight to go.

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